Thursday, February 6, 2014

The Introduction

First class, Professor Sweeney introduced the class to all the things that we will do over the semester. He told us about the contracts, the schedule, and the syllables and many of the assignments that will take place in the class. The contract states all the things that are expected throughout the semester and what grade you would like to receive. The grade you sign up for is the grade that you will get only if you achieve all of its goals. He also discussed our project grammar schmammar after putting us in groups of four. All groups are supposed to complete two lessons, either power point presented or video recorded to get published on YouTube. Each group has their own set date to complete and present their project. The schedule shows what will conspire each week and also points out the days each group has to present. The syllables is just an overview of everything it shows things about the course, the grading scale, the do’s and don’ts for the course , and things you must know.

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