J.K. Rowling spoke to the graduates of Harvard about how failure is a good thing. She humorously congratulated the class of 2011 and spoke about many of her lifestyle changes. She told about how failure helped her get through life; without it she wouldn't have learned anything. With her failure it brought her to publishing several series of Harry Potter books and also movies. She looked at failure as an option, an option that hurts but heals later on. She looked at failure as something that would help reach a long term goal. She always wanted to be a writer, ever since she could remember and she went through trials and tribulations to do so.
I personally enjoyed this speech because not only did it make sense but it made me feel better about myself. I always looked at failure as a bad thing; I never thought it was acceptable. As I listened to this speech it made me think about the things that I failed at doing, and made me want to try harder. I studied as a cosmetologist and when it came time for the big test, I failed. I thought that was the end but the more I wanted it the more I tried. Listening to this speech made me think of that because it was well connected. I learned a lot more during those times of failing because I kept trying. I constantly kept the faith and later on achieved all that I worked hard for. Therefore I understand exactly what she means when she said failure is an option, because it is. If you continue to think that things aren't going to wrong for you, how will you know what's actually right? I think this was a great speech and well thought out and put together. I also think she chose the right environment to share it with.
I agree with what you're saying and what she saying. Failure uhh that word... I rather use the word mistake or obstacle. To some failure is not an option, but in order to get better or to overcome a situations you have to go through some issues and learn from your mistakes to grow. If you don't fail you won't improve or know what to improve. Failure or mistake whatever you want to call it. Your mistakes or failure is a learning experiment that makes you who we are today.